How do you show love in a movie? Who is your audience? Why do you think you can use archives? Will there be a song in your movie? Why is there so much fear and what can you do about it?
The Collective Archival Landscapes exhibition is a space that explores common experiences, solidarities, and instruments of resistance. It will be held from February 9th to March 2nd at Cittipunkt e.V., with an opening on February 9th at 19:00. The exhibition showcases short films created during the workshop ARCHIVAL LANDSCAPES, which took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and online throughout 2023. The films were made using the method of found footage, incorporating personal stories, family histories, sounds, and images.
Through performative and autofictional approaches, the films deconstruct archival materials to explore possibilities of care and resistance.
In addition to the video installation featuring works by Zulyakhon Abdusattarova, Kseniya Gorbacheva, Amin Hikmatov, Gulnoza Irgasheva, Zoya Melihova, Julia Polikarpova (polycarpicae), Vika Ryskina, Ester Sheinfeld, Angel Trofimova, Saidamir Ubaidullaev, Yana Xarasho, the exhibition also includes a library where visitors can learn about independent cultural institutions from Tashkent. These institutions include the 139 Documentary Center, a space organized by artists, activists, and researchers engaged in local and regional civil society in Central Asia; SOUP, an independent nomadic collective of women filmmakers; and Cinema Love, an independent film festival focusing on works by emerging authors from Central Asia. The exhibition will also feature two special screenings. On February 14th at 19:00, there
will be a selection of films from the Cinema Love film festival 2023 curated by Valeriya Kim, showcasing debut or early works of authors from Central Asia. On February 21st at 19:00, there will be a screening of independent video art from Uzbekistan between 2007 and 2017, curated by Alexey Artamonov and Alexey Ulko.
The Collective Archival Landscapes exhibition is a collaborative project conceived by Danila Lipatov and Karen Zimmermann, in collaboration with Zulyakhon Abdusattarova, Alexey Artamonov, Kseniya Gorbacheva, Amin Hikmatov, Gulnoza Irgasheva, Timur Karpov, Valeriya Kim, Konstantin Koryagin, Zoya Melihova, Julia Polikarpova, Vika Ryskina, Sylvia Sadzinski, Ester Sheinfeld, Rita Sokolovskaya, Angel Trofimova, Saidamir Ubaidullaev, Pitt Wenninger and Yana Xarasho.
Brüsseler Straße 36A
13359 Berlin